Walkers 80 Classic Variety Multipack Crisps Multipack ofWalkers Classic Variety crisps – Multipack contains 20 xReady Salted,20 xCheese & Onion, 20 x Salt & Vinegarand 20 x Prawn Cocktail -No added MSG, ArtificialColours or Preservatives Multipack of Walkers ClassicVariety crisps -Multipack contains 5 x Ready Salted, 5 xCheese & Onion, 5 x Salt & Vinegar and 5 x PrawnCocktail -Made with 100% Great British Potatoes -Freshtaste guaranteed -Perfect crisps for lunch and snacking-Suitable for vegetarians -No added MSG, ArtificialColours or Preservatives -Cardboard boxis 100%recyclable, for spuds sake please recycle me! Great valuecompared with the Walkers 6 Multipack with an RRP ofE2100% Great British Potatoes, We use sustainably sourcedBritish potatoes,100% quality ingredients, Fresh tasteguaranteed, No added MSG or artificial colours, Suitablefor vegetarians
United Kingdom
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